
camo88 avatar image
camo88 asked

Multiplus 2 Shore power AC In and Out ground question


New install of full Victron system, Original shore power in has only Active and Neutral, going into RCD and then into rest vans reciprocal sockets throughout the van.

I have replaced RCD with new one and added another, so taking shore in thru RCD and then to Multiplus 2, then AC Out 1 and back to RCD and then into Vans 240v system. Now there is no Earth wire from Shore in, all the earths are connected thru all the power points (receptacles) and then there is a wire thru the floor connected to the chassis.. Or maybe the Earth on the Shore power external socket/input goes to the recepticals from there.. and then is connected to every powerpoint and the chassis.. so maybe its as simple as running a wire from chassis to AC In Earth on the multi to link it all up..

I am yet to actually wire in the ac in and out wires on the Multi and turn on. until this issue is understood.

I have run a 00 cable from the Multiplus 2 earth stud into the Lynx distributor and will run a 00 cable from Lynx thru the floor onto the van's chassis, all other solar controllers and DCDC components will be chassis linked to the Lynx..

My main question, is it ok to only have Neutral and Active run into the AC IN and AC Out of the Multiplus, this van is 2008 era and in Australia so earths were run on all the outlet's side of things.. and was it the right idea to had an extra RCD for the input and output from shore and out of Multiplus..

EDIT: pulled out the Vans Shore external socket and the earth is connected into the rest of the vans recepticals..


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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

I used the schematic from an Easysolar 1600 when I wired my truck.


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easysolar.png (72.0 KiB)
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