After a Victron ESS installation at home, I am trying to find a solution to use my non-Victron EV charger normally. My new installation has a system configuration that includes a Fronius with a string of solar panels and a Victron (Multiplus + Cerbo + mppt) with a second string + batteries (2 x dyness A48100).
My EV charger (brand Policharger) has 2 AC amperimetric clamps, for dynamic charging according to home loads and PV surplus.
Since the Victron installation the clamps do not measure correctly when the battery is charging or discharging. However, if the batteries are idle the clamps and the EV charger work fine.
As of today, to use the EV charger, I need to manually play and activate the “keep batteries charged” mode or set the SOC target above the current value. Doing this manually every day is not very convenient, so I am looking for a better solution:
- Should my EV charger be connected in a different way to the Victron ESS?
- Is there any configuration to automatically detect a high load (EV charger) and then put the battery into idle mode?
- Any other option?
I got an interesting suggestion to install and use Node-Red, however since I read Node-Red is not supported by Victron, I would like to find other ways. I am assuming the solution to my challenge would be very useful to other new Victron installations where there is a non-Victron EV charger.
Thank you!