
alex-pi avatar image
alex-pi asked

Multiplus II GX in Single Legged Mode as Energy Storage System

I would like to connect my MP2 to the main circuit board of the house in a manner that is shown in this diagram I found on Youtube. Namely, AC-IN goes to the Board input in addition to the Grid input.


Basically, I want MP2 to work like UPS for the whole house. It charges batteries when the grid is on and pushes power via the same wires back when the grid is off.

As I know MP2 will stop feeding the grid when it detects that it's off.

I would add some protection that automatically disconnects the mains on power off so that the inverter energy does not leave the house. Thus Anti-Islanding is covered.

In other words, if that bidirectional feature of Victron can be used to not sell the power back, I don't have any PV to generate but to leverage it to simplify its connection to the existing circuitry.

Is that possible?

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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

The bidirectional power going back from AC-IN will only work when the network is present. As soon as the network goes out then AC-IN will disconnect. UPS functionality cannot be done with AC-IN. Only AC-OUT can provide UPS functionality. This does mean that you need to feed a separate consumer board, which involves more complicated wiring and earthing arrangements.

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alex-pi avatar image
alex-pi answered ·

Thank you @WKirby I had some doubts and hopes, but this solves it now.

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