
donhrtf avatar image
donhrtf asked

Question on battery cable size for Phoenix 12/3000 inverter

Manual says 90mm per + and - connections. There are two connections for each. Does this mean 2 x 90mm for + and 2 x 90mm for - ??

Thanks in advance

inverter current draw
2 |3000

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1 Answer
boekel avatar image
boekel answered ·

total 90mm2, so 2x 50mm2 is also good.

2 |3000

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donhrtf avatar image donhrtf commented ·

Thanks much

It seemed like a lot with 2 x 90

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boekel avatar image boekel ♦ donhrtf commented ·

Rule of thumb (very short or long cables excluded)
current / 3 = mm2
so a 3000VA unit at 12 volt can draw about 300A continuous max, / 3 = 100mm2 --> 90mm2 is fine.

that rule of thumb is for preventing too much heat in the cables.

for longer cable runs you calculate with the maximum voltage drop to prevent to much losses.

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