
svviolethour avatar image
svviolethour asked

Cerbo GX - the cost of doing business to connect a GX Touch?

I'm trying to understand the Cerbo GX - if you just want to connect a GX Touch to a Victron MPPT solar system (plus a Victron inverter/charger eventually), the Cerbo GX is just an expensive wire connector basically?

Since Victron is moving towards Bluetooth networking (VE.Smart) for my MPPTs and SmartShunt to communicate together (no additional wires or purchases required) it seems odd that I need to buy an additional ~$350 USD device to use the ~$240 GX Touch 50.

The tank monitoring capabilities of the Cerbo aren't something I need. Is there some other benefit I'm missing, or is it just the cost of doing business of installing a GX Touch?

It makes me question whether the GX Touch is really worth the investment (~$600+ with VE.Direct cable) or whether I just stick with VictronConnect for monitoring. However the GX Touch is appealing since it would be quicker and more convenient (Bluetooth connect delay is 1-5 seconds on my phone with VictronConnect).

cerbo gx
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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @svviolethour,

The GX touch is a small HDMI monitor with a proprietary touch control interface, that is powered by USB.

It is completely dependant on the Cerbo GX, and has no function without one. There is no way to connect a Victron MPPT directly to a GX touch without a Cerbo GX.

This video does a better job of explaining -

More info on the product pages too -

For a single MPPT, the VictronConnect monitoring is pretty good. The Cerbo GX is really intended to integrate multiple Victron components for complete system monitoring.

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svviolethour avatar image svviolethour commented ·
Thanks. I think my point is with VE.Smart networking on latest Victron MPPTs, the devices themselves are already starting to be pretty good at integrating themselves together. So the Cerbo GX almost seems superfluous if they could just add VE.Smart bluetooth networking to the GX Touch devices. The Bluetooth range might be an issue for some users, but I'm finding the Bluetooth works well at 20-30 ft (~10 meters) without issue.
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stubbs avatar image
stubbs answered ·

nice to have logging and control via I-Net /Computer. But if there is no need to control or monitor your system over LaN/Computer/Android/iOS or the WWW no! no need. I personally love it.

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stubbs avatar image
stubbs answered ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) Is there a way to turn of Bluetooth? The devices that are configued over Bluetooth. Push button re-activation would be nice. As Bluetooth is in a "Stör Freq." (or causes line interferance). Would be nice to configue it and have the option to turn it off. If the BT netwerk is not needed.

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stubbs avatar image stubbs Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
looks a little hairy to me. I'll have a study. thanks

Should be a standard; opinion.

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