
hollandais1970 avatar image
hollandais1970 asked

Solar and shore power together - how to manage?


I have a houseboot with 8 solar panels. During summer we are entirely self-sufficient from a power point of view.

In the winter we run on shore power in a Harbor. This means we get all the expensive electricity from the harbor and do not use the sun unless the requested power exceeds the 10A set as maximum input. When I want to use the sun I need to unplug from the harbor electricity physically, but during winter I am not always there.

Victron is working with boat supplier on a software solution. But want to have a solution to be able to unplug from harbor electricity remotely in the meantime. In the picture, you can see my system.

Would it be a solution to bring the 10A maximum input on the Victron back to 0 through the day by changing it in the app? That will bring down the input from shore then to 0 and the system will be forced using solar.

Ideally want to use solar, buy if there is not enough switch to shore power. As an alternative want the app to limit the shore power during the day by bringing 0 A back to 0.

Would this work or am I overseeing something? Is there a minimum amount for the input from shore input that I cannot go below?

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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Usually they can go down to about 4A input.

You can use the GX to switch between shore and invertering in the menus.

The other way is with virtual switch, then the system can connect and disconnect on its own as needed or programmed.

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hollandais1970 avatar image hollandais1970 commented ·
@Alexandra Hi Alexandra, thanks for your answer. Really appreciated! Do you mean with the app I can manually turn down the shore and at the end of the day when the sun goes down turn it on again? If so, can you guide me a little on how to do this?
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hollandais1970 avatar image hollandais1970 hollandais1970 commented ·

Most of the time I am not on the boat and I can only work through the app. if I can through the app with software turn shore down and up that would be great.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @hollandais1970

It's certainly possible to do this, but even an 'in the meantime' solution could be challenging if you're not totally familiar with the Multi setup.

You could try setting a low Input Current Limit via Remote Console or VRM App. There IS a lower limit, like 3.9A for you (might be even higher with old firmware). That's unlikely to help much, but can be reduced to zero if you turn off Power Assist. To do that you need VEConfigure, and if you master that you could go all the way to setting up Assistants to do it all automatically. (Using eg. Generator Start & Stop Asst and Ignore AC function).

The beauty is that it's all onboard, just needs setting up.

I've an identical Easy on my own houseboat, but on the other side of the world. Blue Brothers.. :)

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hollandais1970 avatar image hollandais1970 commented ·
Thanks. that sounds challenging. What is the consequence of turn off the power assist?
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hollandais1970 avatar image hollandais1970 hollandais1970 commented ·
Thanks for your elaborate answer!
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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ hollandais1970 commented ·

Power Assist helps cover loads in excess of your Input Current Limit. If no/little loads, no problem.

My reply crossed with @Alexandra's. It basically says the same thing, I just chose Assistants as my own preference rather than Virtual Switch. In both cases you need access to the Multiplus settings, and maybe even a firmware update. Not the sort of thing to attempt from a phone - a Win pc and a little knowledge good assets to have. It can be diy'd, but if you're not inclined to do the homework then maybe better to seek out an experienced Victron Installer.

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bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

You can also use assistants, little apps that can be configured through VEConfigure on the multiplus. These allow you to control the relays. A little wiring and you can get the system to do thinks like ignore the AC input unless the SOC has dropped below X, in which case allow the AC input relay to close and re-charge the batteries. Search for assistants, generator start stop and solar. If you cant find the post, post back here and I’ll try and find it.

It does requires some wiring of switches and connections between the control relays on the multiples, as well as software configuration.

UPDATE: Here is the link. It would be great to have this integrated and some of the ESS capabilities available in a mobile installation, I have also read of people doing this through NodeRed flows as well. The solution in the linked post works great and I have it working well in my system.

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