Hello everyone!
I am trying to understand the data shown on the VRM dashboard. My new installation has a system configuration with
- Fronius with a string of solar panels and
- Victron with a second string + batteries.
Looking at the VRM dashboard screenshot attached:
- What is AC load showing? 10W is obviously not the energy being consumed at home
- What is Grid? Is this showing the energy exchanged with the net? And if so, does it make sense to be sending energy to the net while batteries are not fully charged?
- How can I see a real balance of energy? (e.g. PV generation - loads - battery charge = Grid)
Note: I have seen that during night, when PV inverter (Fronius) and PV charger are zero, AC loads seem to correspond to actual home energy consumption and Grid to the energy from/to the net. See this second screenshot: