
Todd Wackford avatar image
Todd Wackford asked

Multiplus - Is there a way to command AC 2 out to on while on Battery

I understand that out of the box multiplus only provides power to AC out 2 when AC in 1 sees AC in. I would like to override that to provide power on AC out 2 even when on battery under a certain condition.

I'd like to use AC 2 out to power water heater when solar yield is greater than a certain amount. I have an RPi running venus OS and thought that a python script monitoring PV yield could send command to Multiplus via modbus/tcp.

Would this be possible?

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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @Todd Wackford, you make the MultiPlus switch the AC-Out according to certain logic, by using Assistants.

There is no protocol available (such as ModbusTCP or MQTT) that allows you to switch it directly yourself. See also here:

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