
optimist avatar image
optimist asked

Using AC2 OUT but not depleting the battery?

My apologies in advance if this has already been asked and answered, but I was wondering if there is any way to use AC2 OUT from a Victron inverter to power non-critical loads such that they draw solar if available, mains if not, but never deplete the battery. So, this would be ideal for things like resistive heating geysers, ovens etc to mop up excess solar, but not to deplete batteries. At the moment, my understanding is that AC2 OUT will only run when grid feed is present, but if there is solar and battery, it will utilise the battery as well as the solar. Is there any way to toggle it such that these loads never deplete the battery?

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

In my opinion this can be done there are limits but in general - Yes its possible using the Assistants that can be added to a units setup or the multi's or quatro units, you may end up also requireing a Cerbo unit as well. its a bit of muking around and it can be done remotely as well, some one would need to be on site when it was being done

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