
homestead11 avatar image
homestead11 asked

#37 Error due to mixed pole whilst connecting PV array


I have just installed a Victron Easysolar 24/3000/70

The PV connections x 2 sets of CF4 under the inverter are tricky. Please let me know how do I know which are positive+?

In trying to connect a second array I have got the poles wrong, so have now have an error of over current #37.

Victron says the MPTT is protected. Is there a fuse I can replace or do I need a Technician to reset the MPTT?


EasySolar All-in-One
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3 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi H. You mean MC4 connectors. On that model the +ve are the larger ones farthest from the batt terminals. It's actually in the mppt manual Appendix, so you go right to the end past all the other languages to find it.

The protection of which you speak is likely just reverse-polarity protection. There are no user serviceable fuses, and (from memory) Victron say the unit will just heat up under reverse polarity and do nothing.

The 'over current' error may actually be related to something else, like when connecting the batts a surge can occur. Where did you see that, and what did it say *exactly*?

At this stage, maybe just wire it correctly, switch it on, and see if it works.

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homestead11 avatar image
homestead11 answered ·

Hi JohnC,

Thank you for your reply. My first array was connected to the MC4( The only thing I dont like about this inverter, is this method of connecting the PV array) connectors in the front row, left and right, parallel to the inverter. My Easysolar came with a Multiplus manual. maybe its an older model. Non of the agents could tell me were to find this info. I have a Technician coming to re-install the system. Manual-Easysolar-1600-EN is were I found the info about cross pole protected.

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

Yeh, the Easy is really just a prewired combo box of standard kit. Unless things have changed, it should arrive 'out of the box' with individual manuals for the kit within. In your case, the mppt manual should be this one: Yours is the 150/70. (Look in the Appendix for your terminals).

If you're googling-about, there's another 150/70 model with VE.Can, but dodge that. I don't think Smartsolar units have made the grade into that Easy yet either..

If it makes you feel better, I agree that MC4 connectors (whilst great out in the weather) are a bit of a pain indoors..

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homestead11 avatar image
homestead11 answered ·

Hi JohnC,

Thank you

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