
melchior-sohilait avatar image
melchior-sohilait asked

How manny panels on a smart solar 450/100


We have a question about the Smart solar 450/100-TR.

How manny panels can we put in series/parralel on this device?

The panels that we are going to use are the Hyundai HiE-S395VG.


Currently this is the setup

3x Multiplus 48/5000-70 (3phase configuration)

4x Pylontech US5000

AC coupled PV installation (3phase inverter) on AC output 1

Multiplus-IIsmart solar set-up helpsolar sizing
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4 Answers
stubbs avatar image
stubbs answered ·

no more than or <9 Panels. 8 Panels would probably be safer. Per String.

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stubbs avatar image
stubbs answered ·

The best I can see using the RS 450/100 is 16 Panels. Two strings of 8 or a bit more complex 18 Panels MPP1 5//5 and MPP2 4//4

This is a bit modified for your Pylons. But directly out of the Datasheet.

*MPPT operating voltage range is constrained by battery voltage - PV VOC should not exceed 8 x battery float voltage. Your Pylons, a 51 V float voltage results in a maximum PV VOC of 408 V

I do believe this to be the best possible with the hardware provided?

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melchior-sohilait avatar image melchior-sohilait commented ·

That sounds great we will try the second option, The complex method. 5//5 and 4//4

Thaks for the quick and good advice!!

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stubbs avatar image
stubbs answered ·

VOC +/-3% on a partialy cloudy cool day. I've seen this >5%

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melchior-sohilait avatar image
melchior-sohilait answered ·

Thanks for the quick anser! Same as we had calculated.

So we put everything on the mppt calculator, and it says "PV power ratio 69% (undersized)". What does that mean?


450-100-power.png (68.3 KiB)
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