I'm dipping my toe into the victron world... I have roof space for 4 solar panels. I'm thinking 4xLongi 375W with open voltages of 41.1v. I was planning on using 2x 100/20-48v smart solar MPPT's and having 2 mini arrays of 2 panels. The roof gets good sun, but there is a tree which will partially block one panel later in the day.
Am I better with a single 150/35 mppt and wiring the panels up differently or even just having 3 panels in series not bothering with 4th?
My thinking might need correcting...
I weighing up whether 3 panels in series with an open circuit of 120ish volts will operate the charger longer for a 48v system than 2x2 panels with a max open circuit of 82v...
Also, by separating the panels on separate MPPT's and strings do I protect against the panel which gets shaded from dragging down all 4 panels if compared to them being on the same string/MPPT.
cost wise there doesn't seem to much in it.. Or is there a better setup entirely.
The system will be feeding...
Multiplus ii 3000VA 48v
2.4kw 48v plyontech battery (intention is to add more at later date)
Cerbo GX
It will be grid tied.
Really would appreciate some guidance
Many thanks.