
franschhoek-electric avatar image
franschhoek-electric asked

Battery Monitor [512] Automatic monitoring High voltage alarm: Alarm


Having an issue on two sites where the BMS of the battery is connected, and settings are done according to the application note. I have limited the charge current to 50A and the charge voltage to 55VDC.

MultiPlus-II 5KVA firmware 498 and Cerbo GX firmware V2.92

The screen snip High voltage alarm.PNG

Has any one had this issue and what's the best way to correct.

Kind regards


Multiplus-IIalarmfreedom won
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

What batteries are these?

New lithium batteries and high voltage alarms are common and generally need to be kept on keep charged mode for a few days, or have the CVL limited with DVCC while they balance.

Just noticed the tag that its FW. If it’s the e-tower its all normal.

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