How are the mqtt parameters "MaxChargePower" and "MaxDischargePower" mapped to the DBUS?
MaxChargePower: I can find the topic "/settings/0/Settings/CGwacs/MaxDischargePower" in MQTT, but this parameter is not mentioned anywhere in the register excel sheet (https://github.com/victronenergy/dbus_modbustcp/blob/master/CCGX-Modbus-TCP-register-list.xlsx). Does anyone know how to use this parameter from Modbus-TCP?
MaxDischargePower: This one (/settings/0/Settings/CGwacs/MaxDischargePower) works fine via mqtt (both positive number and -1), but via modbus (register 2704), it is not possible to write -1 because the type i uint16. How can I disable to "inverter limit" (which is also shown in cerbo gx) via ModBus-TCP?