
nesswill avatar image
nesswill asked

"Temp compensation" 48V system

Hi sorry if this has been answered before i just cannot find it.

I have a MPPT 450/100 with 1040ah of AGM battery's (x16 260ah 6 cell in series) and the battery manufacture say the this below... i am a bit confused, my MPPT is set to -64.80mV/°C. So as this is for the whole battery bank should it not be something like -3.5 x6 x16 = -336? or am i being stupid?


MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Something is not adding up. You said that you'll be using 16x 6 cell in series, this would be 96 cells in series, 192V! I'm sure you mean to connect the batteries up in a configuration that yields 48V.
So for a series string of 4x 6 cell in series you would need -3.5 x6 x4 = -84mV/ºC.
You probably have strings in parallel but the calculation above still applies.

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nesswill avatar image
nesswill answered ·

Yes sorry 4x4 sets of batteries

Thanks that makes sense .

Will my external temperature of about 15c have any affect?


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