
simon-jukes avatar image
simon-jukes asked

New user question

victroness.jpgHi all

First day with my Multiplus 2 48/3000 c/w a Pylonteh US5000 battery and just want to check a couple of things are how they should be, I am using a ET112 meter for the grid meter and ESS is setup and battery settings as per the Victron/Pylontech documentation

When the inverter is powering the loads, is it normal for the grid to still be importing around 60w, even though the total load is only around 450w

Also, the grid power light is blinking which I understand that means grid power is being passed through but is it normal that the bulk light is on solid even though the battery isn't charging

Thanks in advance


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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Grid set-point in the ESS settings of the GX device.

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simon-jukes avatar image simon-jukes commented ·
Thank you, I will leave it set at 50w then as per the recommendation
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