
wolfgang-huse avatar image
wolfgang-huse asked

Scan BLE passive thermometers and send data through mqtt

Hello... at first, thanks to @gone-sailing for your MQTT-Driver

I wanted to add some low-cost passive Bluetooth termometers but as i don´t have access to velib project to integrate this directly into the Bluetooh-Module i start to take a different approach.

I created a script that collects temperature/humidity from ThermoBeacon (ThermoPlus, Bifri, Oria) based on this project:

Additionally you can add local RPi Temperature.

If someone wants to test my code, you find it here:

i plan to swap decoder-code with BLEParser to add support for more thermometers.

Bluetooth Low Energy - BLE
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2 Answers
wolfgang-huse avatar image
wolfgang-huse answered ·

Hello... i found some issues doing an install into a fresh system. there are some issues regarding needed space and utilities... please wait with install until i provide a patch.

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wolfgang-huse avatar image
wolfgang-huse answered ·

ok, latest 0.3.2 is working... please be sure to run


before installing the script, the additional packages won´t fit on a stock partition.

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