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snowrusty asked

MK3 connected Quattro on VRM Dashboard

I have two Quattro 24/5000/120 in parallel on powering a main house and connected to the Cerbo GX via VE Bus, and a standalone Quattro 24/5000/120 for the shop connected to the same Cerbo via a Mk3 and USB. Both the standalone and parallel Quattros share the same battery bank though they output to other loads. In addition, I have a Phoenix 24/3000 coming off the same battery system and plan to connect it VE Direct to USB to the Cerbo (because I'm out of direct ports with two MPPTs and a smart shunt).

Is there a way to get the standalone Quattro (connected via a MK3) and the Phoenix (connected by a VE.Direct to USB cable) to both show as AC loads on the main VRM dashboard?

If not and any Victron folks read this, is it on the roadmap? Without them the dashboard is off limited support to these type of configurations.


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