Good Morning All,
I currently have a 10.7kW Solar PV system with a SolarEdge 10000H inverter and a Tesla PW2. I am limited to an export rate of 7.4kW.
I want to add 4 x PylonTech US5000 batteries and the likes of a MultiPlus-11 48/5000/70-50 device to give me more battery capacity to help offset the costs of running my CTC GSi12 GSHP.
I sent an EM to both Phillip Gordon and Nigel Vincent at the start of the week and have not yet received a reply so may have to phone????????
The question is how can I safely integrate such an addition with the existing PW2 - it must be possible.
There doesn't appear to be a previous posting on this or one that got a viable answer.
I can make substantial savings by doing this via charging the batteries on Octopus Go or Economy 7.