I'm not using my solar setp as a backup, but to run lower watt/amp circuits off grid. The multiplus is set to ignore AC until battery < 50% and then the inverter is run by the AC line from the main panel. My question is:
1. can I move circuits from the main panel to the sub panel so that they are powered by the inverter with batteries until < 50% and then electrical (which at that point would be the same as if it were in the main panel)
2. Can I move only the hot (black) line from the main panel to the sub, leaving the nuetral (white) and ground in the main box? or do all 3 need moved to the sub panel?
I do have concerns with #2, but the box is old and the entire line will be difficult to move, however if I leave Nuetral and Ground in the main box, and there is excess AC supplied by the inverter it would be returned to the main box? Would that cause issues?