
heinzie avatar image
heinzie asked

Data usage VRM on Color control


I have a Color Control and connected to it are:

- multiplus 12/2000

- MPPT 100/50

I installed a mifirouter and connectd it to color control by Nano usb wifi adapter.

It works like a charm but:

Regarding the manual, the data comsumption should not be like what i see.

From the manual:

13.18. Q18: What is the data usage of the Color Control GX?

Data usage depends heavily on amount of connected products, and behavior and usage of those products. The measurements

below are an indication only, and taken from a system with one CCGX, one Multi, one BMV and one MPPT. Log interval set to 15

minutes. If you are on an expensive data-plan, do make some fail-safe.

Data consumption per month:

• VRM logging: 15MB download, 45MB upload

• Remote support: 22MB download, 40MB upload

• Update checks: 8MB download, 0.3MB upload (This does not include the update itself)

• 2 way communication: 26MB download, 48MB upload

Mentioned megabytes do not include the download of a Color Control firmware update. Firmware updates of 60MB are not un-



My settings:

- 2 way communication is turnen of

- Log interval set to 1 hour

Even though i didnt check by "Remote Console" and didnt check on VRM my data use is 180 mb per day! That is, if i may expect that VRM logging is around 60-120 mb each month (regarding the manual), around 30 times more...?

I am aware more people have similar problems but cant find the solution.

THanks in advance.

Feel free to ask info or pics/settings

Kind regards

Multiplus-IIVRMCCGX Color Control
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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Heinzie,

Thanks for the report, I checked and am seeing the same issue on my site.

The first thing I would suggest is to disable “real-time updates” in the general settings of the site in VRM - note that this will also disable some VRM features, but should reduce the data consumption until the dev team can look into it further.

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heinzie avatar image
heinzie answered ·

Thank you for your reply Guy

I am curious when there is a solution for the problem. Also i like to know, what is the normal data usage. Clearly a bit more then Victron stated?

Best regards!

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


I have an sd card in an off data set up. It logs about a 600mb file (3 phase system with 6 mppts among other extras, logging every minute) over about 4 months onto the SD card.

The newer firmware is about 200 mb file size.

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The data usage listed is 'normal' but does depend on the amount of equipment connected.

The big additional variable that ISN'T listed there is the amount of time the system is in 'realtime' mode where there is a user watching on VRM.

In realtime, instead of a block of data every few minutes (1-60 minutes depending on settings), changes are streamed as they happen. This is the cause of the large amount of data you are seeing (called MQTT, and connecting to the MQTT server).

What is your VRM site ID? - the team would like to have a look to see if they can work out why this is happening with your system.

They also asked to make sure that your GX device is running the latest firmware.

My system has since returned to normal, so is no help in further investigations.


You can see the blue download of the new GX Venus firmware, and then the issue was resolved. The subsequent spike was actual usage as I was watching the system.

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