
bkiesbauer avatar image
bkiesbauer asked

Anti-Islanding Box: Behavior and configuration?

Hi all,

I have a couple of questions regarding the anti-islanding box 63A three phase.

1. I live in Germany. Is the box and the device therein preconfigured for Germany? So is it configured so it complies with German regulations? I briefly looked over the Ziehl datasheet and the functionality of the device seems quite broad, so it is not obvious of the configuration of the Ziehl device will comply to German regulations.

2. It seem to me that the anti-islanding box will switch off the grid mains input - thats the obvious use case, but will it switch the grid mains input back on, when the grid is available again? Skimming the Ziehl datasheet does lead me to believe the device can do so. Can someone please confirm?

3. I have a 3 phase multiplus II installation. Do I need to let the multiplus know if the anti-islanding box switched the mains grid off?

Thanks in advance.

Multiplus-IIanti islanding
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


From what I understand from the manual, the German grid requirements can be selected according to use. See page 11/38 onward.

Also there is a certificate of complaince for Germany there, so it must be able to meet the requirements.

The device should reconnect if the set parameters and connection times are met.

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tnt369 avatar image
tnt369 answered ·

Es ist so wie Alexandra geschrieben hat. Ab Werk ist Programm 2 für Deutschland eingestellt (3 Phasen + N). Nach Norm VDE-AR-N 4105:2018.

Nachdem das Netz wieder da ist schaltet das Gerät mit einer Verzögerung von 60s das Netz automatisch durch. Die Zeit ist einstellbar.

Es ist nicht notwendig das Wegschalten den Multiplus mitzuteilen. Was sollen sie auch mit der Information? Ob das Netz da ist oder weg das merken die Geräte selbst...

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bkiesbauer avatar image
bkiesbauer answered ·

Thank you very much for the helpful answers.

One follow-up question:

For the use-case of connecting the grid back up to my network after a grid loss event:

How does the device handle the phase synchronization between the islanded/separated network (aka. my house) and the grid?

I could imagine, since the frequencies are close to each other, there might be "just the right moment" where the phases match up, but I also would think, that the contactors switch rather slow.

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