
ian-eastbourne avatar image
ian-eastbourne asked

Phoenix inverter 24/1200 blinking green and red lights

Hi, I have looked at all the posts on this topic. I bought the product just 2 months ago so its quite new from in the UK. They apparently are an authorised Victron dealer but dont have a telephone support and havent answered my e mails for technical help. they say they will respond within 24 hours. They havent responded within this time frame, So, 3 days later and after repeated e mails to them, I am losing money every day that my Inverter is not working. I have the red and green flashing light problem where in VE direct it says the inverter is OFF and not generating AC. But its obviouisly powered as the green/red lights flash. Other posts suggest a software update but the software is uptodate and therefore in VE direct this function wont update. I dont have much confidence in sending the inverter back to lowenergy supermarket as I think they would just keep the item and say tough luck its broken and I would lose my money. Surely there is a software fix that can be done somehow? I have a bluetooth connection with my phone. I tried connection via PC but this was impossible. So is there anyone at Victon that can help?? regards, Ian

Phoenix Inverter
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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


Have you tried the Victron Toolkit app (on the App Store and Google Playstore)? It also has all kinds of LED definitions for your Phoenix inverter and will help you find the problem. First of all it is important to know which LED code it is actually to give further assistance.

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ian-eastbourne avatar image ian-eastbourne commented ·

Hi Stefanie, thanks for the support and suggestions. Yes I have used the Victron Toolkit and there is no reference to quick flashing alternate red and green lights. Also in the manual I received with the inverter the guide is for green lights and red lights seperately. In VE Connect the status of the inverter is OFF but there is power to the inverter and the lights flash. So there is a hole in the guides by Victron and I still dont know what to do ?? In other blogs/posts this has ocurred on several occasions and the only fix seems to be to return the product the Victon Agent. my agent, low energy supermarket still havent contacted me. Do you know the procedure whereby I can make a complaint about them and/or to send my product back to Victron directly? regards, Ian

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ian-eastbourne avatar image ian-eastbourne commented ·

Hi Stefanie , I didnt get any feedback from you. There is obviously a problem with Victron's Manuals and troubleshooting as the alternate grren and red lights are not covered. Maybe you can take this issue up with your superiors? There also seems to be a technical flaw with the product as the inverter/unit essentially shuts down ifthe battery bank voltage becomes too low. So there should be some way to re-set the inverter should this occur. Please could you relay this to your technical department, I am also writing e mails about my experience to heads of Department within Victron. So I think there is a need to act and follow up. There is also a need to act on "so called Victron Agents" who sell your products and do not give any technical support whatsoever. How can Victron allow a wholesaler such as low energy supermarket to supply Victron products when they dont even answer the phone. There is no phone support and no e mail support. They should not be a Victron authorised Agent. I am going all the way to the top on this issue and wont let this go. I do appreciate your initial feedback and hope that you digest the contents of this post and take the appropriate action, by the way I have made an official complaint about low enery supermarket to ebay where I purchased the inverter. best regards Ian

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ian-eastbourne avatar image
ian-eastbourne answered ·

Hello Stefanie, thank you for your answers and suggestions. I cant see that my set-up is an issue as the inverter has run perfectly for around 10 weeks without any problems. At last I received a reply from the supplier, low energy supermarket and they suggest I return the item and then they will correspond with Victron as to whether to issue a refund or replacement. Having said that Victron should amend their user manual to include red and green flashing lights and suggestions what to do if this occurs. e.g return to manufacture for re-set. best regards, Ian

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
It would still be good to see a video of the flashing sequence.
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