This is my first question - the guides and documentation have been amazing and I have managed (on my first time setting up Victron kit) to install and setup a multiplus 2 GX 3000 in parallel with a multiplus 2 3000. I used VE configure and Victron connect to setup the ESS assistant but it did not show up in the console despite doing everything according to the guides - I tried updates and starting again. I noticed that the install behaved like ESS was setup but it just didn’t show in the console.
Eventually it just appeared and I can’t tell why… perhaps it was after a switch off then on or after a software reboot? Anyway…. It showed up and worked perfectly for a week, until I decided to add a generator start/stop assistant as well (I want to use the periodical test run feature to control the relay based on a time). After setting up the assistant and restarting the system, it is clear that the install is operating as per the installed assistants (switching the relay based on load) but I can’t see either assistant in the console again. I need to use the console to access the test run function because it wasn’t shown in VE Configure when I ran the assistant (yes I definitely sent the new settings to each device).
I have tried on/off, reboot, update then reinstall assistants, I have the latest firmware on both devices…… Do I just need to wait a few hours for them to appear in the console? Does anyone know if there is a particular way to get the assistants to show?
Thank you all :)