
kevinc avatar image
kevinc asked

MPPT producing more than multiplus can handle

Can i ask what might be a silly question

I am planning a grid tied system, 18 panels connected to MPPT RS 450/200 which can put through a maximum of 11.52KW

This is wired to a lynx distributer to batteries and then to multiplus-ii 48/5000/70-50 which i think can convert max 5kw DC to AC

My question is what happens when the batteries are full and the MPPT is passing through more than 5kw, does that cause any problems?

How ideally should these be sized?

Multiplus-IImppt rs
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

As you are using mppt units and these are charging your batteries this is called DC connect. so once the batteries are full and you are using less power than what the solar can make at that time the mppt unit will stop the extra power from being produced.

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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·
what you are sugesting is fine. the multiplus can handle a max power supply of 5000Va so as long as you are using less than this you are fine.

having a two big a aray may not benifite you but it will help heaps on cloudy and rainy days etc

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Also check the short circuit current on the panels and the MPPT.

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kevinc avatar image kevinc commented ·
i am a beginer at this Kev, how do i check the circuit current?
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