
arden-bradley avatar image
arden-bradley asked

Lynx Solidswitch Oil pressure switch

Need a post of a schematic to hook up a solidswitch 104 to Lynx bms and oil pressure switch to protect Balmar alternator through Balmar 618 regulator ( simple please - not an alectrical engineer!) thx!

lynx bms
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4 Answers
mfoo avatar image
mfoo answered ·

There are a number of ways to achieve this functionality. Do you already have an oil pressure switch with two terminals wired up with +12VDC to the ignition input of the 618?

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arden-bradley avatar image arden-bradley commented ·
Can anyone offer a follow up recommendation to complete this thought? Thx!
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arden-bradley avatar image
arden-bradley answered ·

Yes - exactly. One brown wire from engine battery selector switch to oil pressure switch terminal - then one brown wire from 2nd oil pressure switch terminal to 618 regulator.

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mfoo avatar image
mfoo answered ·

There's a published super-complicated diagram of the Lynx BMS switching the ignition signal wire of an external alternator regulator. They show BMS's ATC signal (0.5A MAX) through the BMS relay (2A max), to the Remote H+ terminal on a SolidSwitch, then through another relay and finally to the regulator. Seems a bit overly complicated. The final relay shouldn't be required if control and battery voltages are the same but there may be a reason that escapes casual inspection.

You're basically looking to wire the SolidSwitch "Bat+" and "Load" in-line with the existing brown ignition signal wire, either before or after it goes through the oil pressure switch. I would probably place the SolidSwitch after the oil pressure switch as those have a tendency to get shorted to the engine block by dropped tools/etc.

Imagining that the solution involves adding a SolidSwitch mounted adjacent to an existing alternator regulator:

1. Wire (Black) from DC Ground bus to Gnd on SolidSwitch,

2. Fuse (<4A) existing brown wire at the ignition/battery switch (if not existing),

3. Wire (Brown) from ignition fuse to one terminal of the oil pressure switch (should be existing),

4. Wire (Brown) from other terminal of oil pressure switch to "Bat+" on SolidSwitch,

5. Wire (Brown) from "Load" on SolidSwitch to brown/ignition terminal on alternator regulator.

Now bring in the BMS control of the SolidSwitch:

1. Configure BMS relay as "Alternator Control",

2. Wire (Red) on BMS as shown from AUX(+) to ATC(in) with 0.5A fuse,

3. Wire (Red) on BMS from ATC(out) to COM of the BMS built-in relay,

4. Wire (Red) from NO (Normally Open) of the BMS built-in relay to "REM-H" on SolidSwitch.

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arden-bradley avatar image
arden-bradley answered ·

This is the diagram that was suggested by a Victron distributor- could someone knowledgeable weigh in ? Is this reasonable?



ss-v12.pdf (76.2 KiB)
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