
drpaedu avatar image
drpaedu asked

GX touch dark / night mode

I know it is a feature request which has been stated already. But I want to underline that a dark mode for GX touch would really help in the following two situations an I hope Victron will develop it:

1. minimizing light emissions (important for example in a vehicle or in a sleeping environment)

2. preserving night vision (I use it on a sailboat and looking on the GX touch during navigation kills your night vision for a couple of minutes - therefore, all boat instruments have night modes which are predominantly black/red).

An automatic day/night mode switching, depending on the ambient light conditions, would of course be the non-plus-ultra solution. Thank you, Victron, for all the good things you do.

feature request
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2 Answers
Francesco Pugliano avatar image
Francesco Pugliano answered ·

I have asked for the same thing 2 years ago. I hope other sailors will make the same request. It's such a small request so easy to implement and would make a great difference.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

GuiMods now has a dark mode thanks to mr-manuel:

Victron currently has dark mode for the "marine app" (http://venus.local/app). Victron's future GUI will have native dark mode. (The new GUI is currently in development and not ready for general use.)

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