
jerrydavis avatar image
jerrydavis asked

Van… Does a MPPT Controller detect alternator charging

  • Van… does a Victron MPPT solar controller detect engine start and alternator charging and protect itself and battery? Or do I need a battery protector?
MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

I do not know about a van, but on both my current and previous boats I do/did not have a battery protect nor any similar device. The MPPT does not have any engine detect, when the engine starts if the alternator delivers a higher voltage than the MPPT then the MPPT drops to 0 amp output. If the battery is drawing a lot of current and the voltage is below the MPPT absorb setting then both the alternator and the MPPT supply current. An alternator and MPPT usually work together OK.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·


Agree with @pwfarnell and can confirm this is how it works on my van.

However I'd add that if the van has a smart alternator, you should check the max alternator voltage is not too high for the MPPT and other components in the leisure side.

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