
borki avatar image
borki asked

Cerbo GX connections occupied?


I connected the Smartshunt 500, the mppt 150/35 with Bluetooth, the 75/15 without bloodhooth to the Cerbo GX via now an mppt 75/15 with Bluetooth is added.

Is it ok if this is then connected via Bluetooth, or do I need a to USB adapter?



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3 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

You need a VE Direct cable, the Bluetooth in the Cerbo GX is for initial set up and comms with VE Coonect app on your Smartphone. It is not for networking to other Bluetooth devices such as SmartSolar or SmartShunt.

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borki avatar image
borki answered ·

There are three devices connected to on the Cerbo. The 4th mppt has Bluetooth but there is no free port on the Cerbo. So is Bluetooth enough for communication?

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As @pwfarnell has said, bluetooth is not enough for this Cerbo GX connection.

You will need a to USB adapter.

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borki avatar image
borki answered ·

Thank you for the answers.

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