
tyrox avatar image
tyrox asked

How to synchronize 2 different charge controllers (BlueSolar Charger MPPT and SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can)?

I have 2 charge controllers :

  • BlueSolar Charger MPPT 150/45 rev.3 firmware V1.59
  • SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 250/100 rev.2 firmware V3.07

I would like to synchronize the operations (Bulk / Float / Absorption / Equalize) with the SmartSolar as master and the BlueSolar as slave.

To complete the installation, I also have the following equipment.

  • Cerbo GX firmware V2.73
  • Battery monitor BMV-700 firmware V3.11

How can I do this ???

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
hardy-tuner avatar image
hardy-tuner answered ·

Activaiting DVCC with BMV as Monitor

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tyrox avatar image tyrox commented ·

Is there a procedure somewhere that explains how to do this?

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Tyrox

The DVCC method isn't a master/slave thing, but a means to coordinate the data so they see the same data and behave the same.

In the mppts there's a Tail setting which will override the Fixed/Adaptive Absorb time to drop to Float. Normally they'd use their own Amps to do this, but with DVCC's SCS they'll use the BMV's Amps. So they switch to Float at the same time. And if you think about it, that's all you really need to sync.

This doesn't include Equalize, but if you're doing that you should really be supervising it anyway.

I haven't seen it documented per-se to do this, but DVCC is in the Cerbo manual, and Tail in the mppt's (not to be confused with the BMV Tail).

SVS will share V, and nice if you had a Temp sensor to use STS for Pb batts. But this should still work within a few minutes without the T sense.

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