
sam1995 avatar image
sam1995 asked

Orion TR smart 12/12-30

I have the 30amp dc dc charger in my camper trailer I have run 6 gauge cable with the length totalling around 15ms. I am only getting about 10-15 amps out of the changer when I have the engine detection and input set as default. Is my wiring undersized (followed the manual recommendations).

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Could be resistance in plugs/fuses. Could also be a nearly full battery limiting charge. Could be other things as well.

What's the battery voltage when the trailer battery is charging? What voltage do you measure on the output side of the Orion at the same time? How big is your alternator? Other loads?

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sam1995 avatar image sam1995 commented ·
The battery SOC was 50% when I tested this and there were no loads on the battery. The input voltage is quiet low at around 12.8 which I believe may be the cause due to voltage drop?
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jerothle avatar image
jerothle answered ·

How hot is the Orion?

It will throttle back the power when it gets hot.

If it is hot, have a fan blow onto the heatsink area if possible and see what happens then.

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