
jeepee avatar image
jeepee asked

Victron system in combination with dynamic pricing?

Hi all,

I'm new here and tried to search for the question above to no avail.

In the Netherlands it is possible to get a electricity contract based on dynamic pricing on an hourly basis (1 day forward). I'm thinking of a system where I charge a battery during very low pricing using net feed in and discharging during peak pricing (morning and evening).

Is it possible to set times where the battery will be charged with net feed in? For example 2pm if the battery is below let's say 80% SOC?

Is it possible to set timed activation where my home goes "off-grid" during peak electricity price (morning and evening) and switch this off at 10% SOC?

I've scanned the "Smartgrid II" manual for timed activation/deactivation but couldn't find something that resembled this fucntionality.

P.S.: what topic is this? offgrid doesn't seem to cover it?


EDIT: see as a data source for 1 day ahead "planning" of dynamic electricity pricing in NL.

offgridgrid parallel
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5 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

So, the product was not designed for this specific use case but you have tools that you can use to come close to what you want to do. Depending on your tech background there are development tools that can help automate a lot of this outside of the conventional management console.

You would need to use ESS (even if there isn't solar) - please read up on this and follow the tutorials at

ESS provides scheduled charging/discharging with some control over minimum/max discharge and charging.

There is always a little grid used, and scheduled charging is time based, it does not stop automatically if the battery is fully charged within the window.

You can use node red and create your own logic flows to manipulate the system with a greater degree of accuracy - even pulling schedules dynamically via the utility's API, if they have one.

If you use the search function here you will find many other similar discussions which will provide some context.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @jeepee,

It is possible today to do this manually with the ESS scheduled charging feature.

We are also working on making this possible automatically via one of those price data feeds, but there is no timeline to that project.

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jeepee avatar image
jeepee answered ·

Thanks for the super fast responses! I'll dig in on the keywords provided :)

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Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered ·

I am looking at using my Multiplus ESS with a IFTTT enabled smart time clock to try and control the charge times dependant on the cost of energy with my energy supplier, also connected to IFTTT. I'll be trying several solutions hopfully this weekend. I'll post my finding on the below thread once I have finished.

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Richard Norman avatar image
Richard Norman answered ·

One thing to consider rather than disconnecting during peak on the ESS is to set an negative grid set point, something like -50 to -100 watts this will typically stop a net import for a period.

Even set to zero you will only typically see a 0.0xx kWh usage, although this will depend on your grid code and the ramp up ramp down speed your allowed.

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Related Resources

Victron Offgrid page

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic