
ews2k avatar image
ews2k asked

Adjust Battery Capacity require system restart?

I have a Quattro 8/10kw coupled to eight Pylontech 50v 100A/Hr batteries. This was recently upgraded from four batteries to the present eight. However, I notice in the screenshot below that under 'General' the stated battery capacity is still at 400A - the installer apparently overlooked updating this.

If I change it to 800A directly by plugging the MK-3 directly into the CerboGX, will the system need a restart before it recognises the new battery capacity? I am not keen for a restart as the last time I switched both the AC Mains & the Quattro off to change a wall plug socket, the Quattro would not restart, although it eventually did by itself some 40 minutes later.


VEConfigure 3
ve-batt-capacity.jpg (152.2 KiB)
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Use Victron connect to change the capacity - no restart should happen then.

The Pylontec connected to the GC will/should show the correct capacity in battery parameters and so control the system.

I do agree though it should still be programmed correctly.

And the MK3 plugs directly into the VE bus port on the inverter not the CCGX by the way. and unplug the GX while doing so.

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ews2k avatar image ews2k commented ·

@Alexandra thank you for your reply, I will give this a shot tomorrow. When you mention that I should unplug the GX, what should all be unplugged?

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ews2k avatar image
ews2k answered ·

Sorted, thank you very much! Worst part was when a tiny cover-screw dropped from the screwdriver while I was removing the front cover and I had to bend down looking for it, found it where it had just started to roll under the battery bank. ;-)

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Lol. Glad you found it..

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