
scrubolio avatar image
scrubolio asked

MPPT RS PV input terminal wire gauge/size

I’m reading the manual of the MPPT RS and the tech specs don’t make sense to me. Can someone clarify what gauge wire the PV terminals accept? See image:


And I assume they are rising clamps which don’t require a ferrule is that correct?

mppt rs
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scrubolio avatar image scrubolio commented ·
I assume it means

2.5mm^2 to 16mm^2

which is 14 to 6awg?

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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob commented ·
Did you ever get your answer on whether or not to use ferrules? I'm about to plug 10 AWG (7-strand) PV wire into a Victron 450/200 MPPT and I'm not sure if I should use ferrules for the connection or not.
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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ alaskannoob commented ·

Do not use ferrules for the MPPTs.

The victron MPPT connection points use a rising clamp system that requires the cable to flatten and compress into a rectangular shape (under pressure). This provides the maximum contact area possible.

This is why it is specified to use finely stranded cables which can form the rectangle.

Thicker strands, or ferruled cables, do not compress and conform to the rectangle shape sufficiently and give insufficient contact area.

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

On the second row it written there, 2.5mm² to 16mm². That would be minimum size to maximum size.

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