
kandy avatar image
kandy asked

Victron multiplus efficiency? Over 700watt of selfconsumption while charging??

I have 2 Pylontech US3000C batteries connected to my MultiPlus-II GX.

While the batteries are charging the dashboard tells me:

At the upper left, under "Grid": 4300 watt

At the bottom, "Charging": 3550 watt

At the top right, "Critical loads": 165 watt (While I don't even have anything connected to the multiplus backup ports?)

So, why is it using 4300 watt to charge at 3550 watt?

That's a huge difference of 750 watts.

Efficiency can't be this bad, right? So I wonder what's happening here...

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Conversion losses are 10-20%

In this case, removing loads (1:1) you have a net 15% loss.

Feel the cables, they are warm right? Meet power loss.

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