
remi-s avatar image
remi-s asked

Multiplus II 48V 3K - No jack for current sensing ?!

Hi Guys,

I just received my MPII 48V - 3KVA but when opening the connection box, I don't see the Jack 3.5mm to connect the Victron CT, but a 3 pins connector instead.

It seems they are several HW versions with the same Victron Part Number...

How can I connect my current transformer ???

Thanks for your support


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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·
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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

The jack has proved unreliable and AFAIR there was a recent posting here that it has been replaced by the Current Sense terminal block visible in yr pic, so you may have to cut the plug off the lead to connect it.

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