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tk-421 asked

Multiplus II 2x120 sudden increase in absorption current

With a newly installed Multiplus II 2x120, I am seeing something a little odd with the battery charging algorithm. This is with two new 12V 100AH LiFePo4 batteries.

Everything works as expected during bulk charge, with the transition to absorption happening at the voltage I've configured (14.1V). Voltage is then stable as current decreases, down to about 5 amps. Charging current then suddenly jumps up to 15A, with a change in sound from the transformer, and the battery voltage rises up slowly to about 14.3V as the current slowly decreases. Eventually the charge current drops back down to <5A and the battery voltage slowly comes back down as well.

This has happened with several charge cycles, so it seems consistent. Any ideas what's causing this?

Other configuration info:

I have the adaptive charging on, float voltage set at 13.4v, absorption time set as low as it will go (1 hour). The unit is on the latest firmware (v497). Using with Alberta Lithium batteries with built in BMS.

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