
larspawn avatar image
larspawn asked

How to wire BMV712 shunt with a DC-DC charger

Hi All, hope someone can set me straight. What is the proper way to wire the Smart Shunt when using a DC to DC charger in my van? Is it Option A or B or some unknown C? I am running two batteries in parallel for my house bank. I would charge on one set of +/- and draw load from the other +/-. Or does it even matter? Will I be able to use the app to monitor total capacity of the batteries or will it always just reset to zero consumed AH every time the DC to DC charger kicks in?


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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Option C is the answer, read the manual.

All loads and charging devices should be wired to the side of the shunt labeled TO SYSTEM MINUS.

The battery is the only thing connected to the side of the shunt labeled TO BATTERY MINUS.


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