I have 2 Victron AGM Supercycle 170 batteries in parallel and my Multiplus doesn't seem to charge them to 100% but comes in a float stage, slowly discharging.
I restarted the Multiplus. It goes into bulk for about 30 seconds, then to absorbtion for 15 minutes with only 1,8A of charging and then to float with 0,3A
As this system has some small users while idle, it actually is decharging slowly.
I would expect that when the BVM712 is at 84% the Multiplus would go into bulk and then absorbtion until almost full and the to float where the float charge is equal or higher than drain from small users.
The system looks like this;
- MultiPlus Compact 12/1600/70-16 running firmware 497
- Color control GX running firmware 2.89
- BMV712-F running firmware 4.08
- 3x SmartSolar Charger MPPT 75/15 running firmware 1.59
- 2x Victron AGM supercycle 170 in parallel
- Victron Cyrix which charges the starter battery
The multiplus, BMV and smart solars are all connected to the color control using the VE bus.
The smart solars and BMV 712 also are connected in their bluetooth network
Interesting enough the smart solar shows in their configuration (in the color control) that they are not networked.