Hello all,
I have an AC/DC coupled system as seen below:
Half way through the day, the batteries got to 100% and I had a low load of around 1000W, which the DC coupled system handled while the AC coupled is throttled down to 0. Load eventually got higher than the capability of the DC coupled system, and yet the Fronius remains throttled.
BYD BMU raised the CCL a while ago and yet the Quattro didn't change its behavior:
And here's the Quattro throttling the Fronius:
I have two questions:
1. Obviously something is wrong here, Fronius should kick back in when CCL is above 0 to recharge the batteries
2. Why isn't the AC coupled prioritized when the batteries are full over the DC, given that would be more efficient for the AC load?
EDIT: toggling the dc switch of the Fronius didn’t help. Turned on my generator for few minutes then the Fronius started pulling power from its array. Turned off the generator and it is still going strong. A barbaric workaround though…