
iand avatar image
iand asked

New vs old Multiplus/Quattro -- complexity, repairability, hardware/software support

I know that the old and new Multiplus/Quattro are functionally similar, but it looks to me as if the new ones are much less complex and easier to access internally and don't use old-style DIP ICs and through-hole components which will be more difficult to maintain supply of in future -- which makes me think that the new versions are a now a better choice for long-term support for both hardware and (very possibly) software.

Anyone have any opinions on this?

For comparison here are photos (from public videos and forums) of the internals of a Quattro 48/5000 and a Multiplus II 48/10000, the difference is very obvious -- I can't even spot the controller PCB on the new one, it's probably been reduced to a few chips on a tiny PCB somewhere...


mp-ii-48-10000.jpgmultiplus II

Multiplus-IIquattro 10kva
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Indeed the use of SMT components has reduces the footprint of the PCBs themselves.
The more modern MOSFETs also mean lower heat dissipation and a smaller power pack.
The logic PCB is now the small PCB mounted vertically between the relays and the power pack.

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iand avatar image iand commented ·

Lower heat dissipation (and better cooling airflow) probably also explains why the power vs. temperature derating is much better on the new units. Comparing the MP and MP-II 48/10000:

Old : 8000W/25C, 6500W/40C, 4500W/65C

New : 8000W/25C, 7000W/40C, 6000W/65C

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janieronen avatar image
janieronen answered ·

Exactly same thoughts as yesterday received three phase Quattro II 48V 5k. Looks that main PCB is between Relays and FETs. Less components is less problems. Appreciate what Victron have done. Looking for getting installed to new rack and replacing old 24V multi plusses.img-5393.jpegimg-5398.jpeg

img-5398.jpeg (3.4 MiB)
img-5393.jpeg (2.4 MiB)
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iand avatar image iand commented ·
I'm really hoping that the Quattro II 48/10000 is going to be out soon, I'd much rather use this than the original Quattro, especially because it loses much less power when hot. But it is more difficult for me to fit in, being a very different shape (much taller)... :-(
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