I plan to Building a 3 Phase EES System in Germany.
3 MP2 will be run on a 14.4 KWh Pylontech batterie.
15KWp PV will be fed in via the AC Out 1 that carry my whole house network including a max 4KW heatpump and a 11KW wallbox. I will use a Fronius 8.2.3 and 3.0.3 S.
1. Are the network cards essential for these to be integrated properly?
2. The main question is if I can add a 15 KWp via Victron DC chargers if I just use 14.4 KWP Pylontech for a start or what restrictions this could bring up?
3. What maximum grid load do I get. Are the 3x5000VA of the MP2 add up with the 11.2 VA of the Frinius converters?
Thanks for your feedback