
away avatar image
away asked

Cerbo firmware update 2.89 causes 3rd party touch-screen to not work?

I did not purchase a Touch-50 with my Cerbo. I reasoned that everything can be accessed remotely, which it can. While building my off-grid setup it became apparent that having a monitor with the equipment would be an advantage, even though not a necessity. I had one of these 7" touch-screen for raspberry pi ( lying around so I thought I'd give it a try.

Well, it worked fine... until Cerbo firmware upgrade V2.89 came along. This upgrade caused my touch display to not have a "touch" function. It still displays OK, but without the touch capability it is virtually useless to me. So, back to V2.85 we go and problem fixed. So, I'm left wondering whether V2.89 has any other features that I will really need, or is V2.85 sufficient?

Did anyone else come across this issue?

Edit: The insert function for hyper-links did not work for this post. Sorry.

cerbo gxfirmware updatetouchscreen
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Henry Pearson avatar image Henry Pearson commented ·

@away I’m on firmware 3.30~17 and struggling with a generic 10.1” touchscreen not working. So following to hear if anyone had a solution.

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away avatar image away Henry Pearson commented ·
I never resolved this and gave up. I refuse to purchase the very expensive Victron display, so I use VRM and remote console.
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1 Answer
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·


Did you solved the problem?



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away avatar image away commented ·
No. I gave up.
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