
martin-krahn avatar image
martin-krahn asked

No auto charge with EV Charger


since some days I'm desperately trying to connect my new EV Charger to my (off-grid) cerbo system.

The charger works without problems in manual mode, and I get a WIFI connection: the display of the charger shows my system components as they work, the solar power, too, and all correct. But in the car icon I read: waiting (for) sun - though the sun brings f.e. 5kW and I consume only 500W. The battery's charging state is correct (put it to >90%), and the system connection to cerbo display (remote console) as well as to the VRM online portal works. The IP of the cerbo is correct and the modbus TP-Server ON.

Victron's manual is rather scanty and does not explain all details or this sort of problems. Also the movie on youtube brings no more information.

Any idea what to check and try?

Martin Krahn

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solarmax-canarias avatar image solarmax-canarias commented ·
i promised that function to many clients and now they are waiting for the "holy" function...if i knew before i had offered an simple charger and maneuvering by SOC...
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5 Answers
martin-krahn avatar image
martin-krahn answered ·

Hi all,

I'll reply to myself...

After a long search and inconsistant answers from Victron I know that this function is not yet implemented in the EV-Charger (though it is sold with the promise for this function...)

But the work on the firmware is in progress and soon the first beta with this function: auto charge off-grid will be tested. So I hope we will get a running version this year...

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uli avatar image uli commented ·
any updates ? i am having the same "ev charger problems" for months now - firmware 1.24 - tesla m3 - cable etc and the usual suspects tested with all firmware versions - CP calibrations done - doesnt do much actually ( routine ends with "ok/done" but factor was/is/stays at 1.0 )

side note : the ev charger hardware looks like a student weekend project ( far from a proper product - my personal view)
sold a a ridiculous price and doesnt meet the high victron standards of other products.

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davidv avatar image
davidv answered ·

Hello Martin Krahn,

I'm impatient too. I hope the station will use the IEC 15118.2 protocol to be able to take into account the charging objective programmed in the car...

for the moment I distribute the different energies of the ESS system manually on the charging station depending on the requires a lot of attention :-)

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martin-krahn avatar image
martin-krahn answered ·

Hi David,

I am following the beta-tester-group for the EV-Charger, and it seems that the discussion will lead to the implementation of many fine features. But it is still early work-in-progress according to the automatic charging...


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solarmax-canarias avatar image solarmax-canarias commented ·

how or where can i follow this beta tester group for the EV-Charger?

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zimbabwemike avatar image
zimbabwemike answered ·

Hi Everyone,

I struggled with this as well to start but then integrated my victron system into home assistant using the modbus functionality over LAN. This gives you a lot more control and so in my case I get to pull in data on Loadshedding (SA) and the weather forecast

The other temporary solution I used was turning it onto scheduled mode (new firmware) and it turns off during night hours and then 8A in the low sun and 12A during high sunlight hours. These currents were a little trial and error to make sure I use as little grid energy as possible but seem to work well with a 3 phase 3kW system

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clang-man avatar image
clang-man answered ·

Jumping on this thread over 12 months later after buying and having installed an EV charging station NS (firmware 1.29). Mainly for the 'Auto' option. Which doesn't work! Everything else seems fine, manual, schedule etc.

Can someone please confirm that auto still does not work after fw 1.29 or is it something I am doing wrong. Thanks

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