I bought a 75/15 SmartSolar (24V). I wanted to use the Streetlight function and I tested it a few times without any load connected, and it worked just fine. I attached a 24V- Relais to the load, the relais turned on, and now the load output won't turn off anymore.
The App says the load outlet is switched off, but it isn't. I still have 24V there. I disconnected the batteries and the PV, I reset the device to factory defaults, and while I can configure the load output in the app to turn on and off, the hardware is not following suit, even without any load connected to the outlet.
According to the Load Trend, the Relais sucked 4A of current while the Voltage remained unaffected. Considering the load output is supposed to be short circuit proof I don't want to believe a mere 24V DC Relais managed to kill the load switch on a 15A device. If anyone has an idea, I'd be grateful.