
rasti avatar image
rasti asked

victron alarm #27


I found this today in the VRM portal logs:


The victron error description says:

Err 27 - Charger short circuit
This condition indicates an over-current condition on the battery side. It can occur when a battery is attached to the unit using a contactor. Or in case the charger starts up without a battery connected but connected to an inverter that has a large input capacitance.

This error will auto-reset. If the error does not auto-reset disconnect the charge controller from all power-sources, wait 3 minutes, and power up again. If the error persists the charge controller is probably faulty.

I didn't stop the system, I didn't change anything, I didn't do anything at all.

Just saw the message.

The system was and still is running, so the error was auto-reset.

Should I be worried ?

Many greetings


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2 Answers
duncan-1 avatar image
duncan-1 answered ·

Hi I have the same problem..

Batteries are always connected at startup and not through a contactor, at this error, my unit just goes into Passthrough mode. nothing I can do in the settings or VRM will change this, have to turn it all off for 3 mins and then it comes back fine as if nothing has happened.


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jodi5d avatar image
jodi5d answered ·

This condition indicates an over-current condition on the battery side. It can occur when a battery is attached to the unit using a contactor. Or in case the charger starts up without a battery connected but connected to an inverter that has a large input capacitance.

This error will auto-reset. If the error does not auto-reset disconnect the charge controller from all power-sources, wait 3 minutes, and power up again. If the error persists the charge controller is probably faulty.

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