
alik avatar image
alik asked

It's a possible to split cable?

Hello all,

It's a possible to split cable?

I will connect smart Shunt with Cerbo GX and GlobalLink...

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johnny-brusevold avatar image johnny-brusevold commented ·


Don't know if it's possible, but maybe it's possible to connect Cerbo to smartshunt with bluetooth and GlobalLink with the vedirct cable

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alik avatar image alik johnny-brusevold commented ·

No, unfortunately Cerbo kan not be connected via BT, only cable. Globallink with beta software can be connected via BT, but this not really works with smartshunt.

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4 Answers
Louis van der Walt avatar image
Louis van der Walt answered ·

No. Direct indicates the cable is between master (GX) and slave device. Each device needs it's own Ve.Direct cable.

Only if you use the RS485 cable then that protocol does support multiple devices. So for instance you can have many ET112 meters on the same Victron RS485 cable. Each will have to be set up for it's own ID, but there are instructions to do that.

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alik avatar image alik commented ·
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Lasse avatar image
Lasse answered ·

Smart shunt should work fine with the GlobalLink over BLE since v2.06.

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trucheliriff avatar image
trucheliriff answered ·

The VE.Direct cable using 2 wires to send data to the Cerbo-GX can I connect the other two wires to a different device?

My problem is that I have a 40-foot RV with a SmartSolar Charger, MultiPlus-II, and SmartShunt all the way in the back, and the Cerbo-S GX is all the way in the front. It’s very hard to run any new cables. I’m using an old 4 wire telephone cable from the previous inverter and I added VE.Direct connectors to it, and it works fine.

Here’s a typical pinout for a VE.Direct cable:

1. VCC (power)

2. GND (ground)

3. TX (transmit data)

4. RX (receive data)

So, while the cable has four wires, only two are actively used for sending and receiving information. The other two are used for providing power and grounding, so if the SmartSolar Charger, MultiPlus-II, and SmartShunt they all getting power from the battery, technically don't need power from VE.Direct cable right?

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Lars Filusch avatar image
Lars Filusch answered ·

you can send TX ( transmitting) to two devices. but RX (receive) can only connect to one transmitter. so you can split the TX and GND to both RX. I did that in the past. an opto isolator is recommended.

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