
siddie avatar image
siddie asked

MultiPlus-II GX - configuration to invert unless battery is low


I have a Multiplus-II GX 3000VA connected to a US3000C Battery.

The battery is charged by a Victron smartsolar 150/45 MPPT. Both are connected to the Multiplus using Can/VE direct, SOC and charging current are shown in the interface.

I want to configure the Multiplus in such a way that it inverts battery power if the battery SOC is 20% or above, and activates the passthrough switch if its below (or the inverter is overloaded).

AC in 1 is connected to the Grid, AC out 1 to the load (Fridge, Computer, some other things).

So far I could only configure it (VE Config) to passthrough all the time and only invert if the grid is disconnected (UPS mode) or shutdown completely if the battery falls below 20% (SOC shutdown enabled).

What configuration is needed here?

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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Have you installed the ESS assistant?

Follow the pylon setup guide on main victron site (google it) it shows how.

Then set the minimum soc you want.

As already mentioned, you have too little battery for that config so I would enable an inverter limit in ESS also to prevent battery problems.

It will still use a tiny amount of grid but adjusting the setpoint will minimise that.

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Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

try setting the "ignore AC in" in the multi's configuration.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

You will need an mk3 adaptor for the programming and recommended second battery to meet the nominal battery sizing minimum requirement.

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siddie avatar image
siddie answered ·

Thank you, its configured now. The ESS assistant was installed already, but because I selected the wrong battery type it was not showing up in the menu.

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