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finhobbyist asked

Fuses Logic Help


My logic, that might be failed... says that your fuse at your battery, should be a bit lower Amp than the internal fuse of your phoenix inverter, so it will blow first before your internal fuse? Please give some input.

I have a 12/500 Phoenix, with 3x35amp internal fuses. Going to connect to a 105amp battery, with 10mm-square cable. What fuse do I need at the battery to protect the inverter?


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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Your fuse needs to be rated for the cables. For 10mm² cable I'd use a ~60A to ~70A fuse. This also allows headroom for the inverter taking ~45A at full chat.

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finhobbyist avatar image finhobbyist commented ·
Thanks @WKirby

Can you maybe provide a link, or explain a bit more on how cable rating for fuses is calculated, and why a cable influences the fuse rating. A general search on the net does not provide much clear information.

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Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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