
sallos avatar image
sallos asked

Raspi MultiPlus II + JKBMS is there a kWh register?


  1. I have a multiplus 2 on a Raspi. I read the whole thing via Modbus. But I can't find the register for Loaded KWH and Spent kwh.
  2. Or is this information not available at all?
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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Energy is not available at all. Energy is calculated on VRM its self.

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sallos avatar image
sallos answered ·

Hi okay with id and register?

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Juraj Nikolov avatar image
Juraj Nikolov answered ·

@sallos you get try to sett and watch somting in advatced ... ???


But I think tou mean this:


1660429509195.png (151.2 KiB)
1660429562081.png (89.5 KiB)
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